About Me

Tanner and I

Jaren Brownlee

Hello! My name is Jaren, and this is my website. I am studying Computer Information Technology in school right now. I hope to have a career specializing in databases and analytics, but I still have plenty of time in school to figure things out.

A bit about me- I love family, friends, the Gospel and Church of Jesus Christ, the great outdoors, and problem-solving. I was just married about 2 weeks ago to the love of my life, Ms. Tanner Sowa (Brownlee now). I am the oldest of 5 children and my younger brother leaves on his mission to Indianapolis in a week's time. I served a mission in Dallas, Texas and got back about a year ago. It was on my mission that I met my wife, as well as several other close friends. I am very grateful for the connections I made during my time in Dallas.

As far as hobbies go, and as I mentioned earlier, I love the outdoors as well as problem-solving. My favorite outdoor activities include floating the river, playing frisbee, and riding my bike. Fun fact- when I was 16, my friend and I rode 100 miles on a tandem bike over the course of two days. I also enjoy problem-solving which explains my choice in studies. Outside of school, I solve problems through puzzles, games, and rubik's cubes. My other interests include listening to music (pretty much anything but screamo music) and watching movies (action/comedy movies are my favorites).

I love being here at BYU-I and I am excited to embark in this Web Development course and further my knowledge of programming. I hope to develop my skills here at this special school and go into a career of database administration or programming.